The Junior League of Flint provides a myriad of opportunities for members to reach their educational, training and enrichment goals:
JLF Education & Training – The Junior League of Flint provides training that helps our members improve themselves and learn about their community – providing our members with information to make them better and more effective volunteers. Special meetings or guest speakers are brought into membership meetings to enrich our leadership skills.
ODI – Organizational Development Institute (ODI) is a training program run by the Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI). This program is available to all members of our League.
AJLI Training – Training sessions geared toward the specific needs of Leagues. Members are eligible to attend training sessions in spring, winter, fall and an Annual Conference.
MSC Training – Statewide training that brings all the Leagues together twice a year to focus on the issues affecting all the Leagues in Michigan. Additionally MSC has "Day at the Capitol" where members of all 9 Michigan Junior Leagues collectively discuss issues that affect our communities and how we can better them.